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Information Removal

  • If your information is on the app and you'd like it removed, then please contact the Contest Administrator. If you have done that and still need help removing your information then let us know here.

Setting & Reading Times

  • Times are always shown and set in the Contest's timezone.
  • Global delay is calculated based on Actual On/Off stage times. Competitor schedules will update only if the session is running behind.


  • Only logged in roles can see Competitor contact info with the exception of Presenter.
  • Admin
    • Can modify Contests & Sessions and has access to all views and actions. Next Competitor screen is replaced with Current Competitor screen.
  • Stage Manager
    • Can access Stage Mgr. Control screen. Next Competitor screen is replaced with Current Competitor screen. Has the ability to set Actual On/Off Stage times and can control the Competitor Ready light.
  • Host
    • Can access the Host Check-In screen. Can mark Competitors as Checked-In and Warming Up. Can also assign Hosts to a Competitor.
  • Judge
    • Can control the Judge Ready light.
  • Presenter
    • Can see both the Judge Ready and Competitor Ready lights.
  • Logged Out
    • All users, even those not logged in, can view Contest Schedules, Sessions, Patterns, and Competitors.

Editing Contests & Sessions

  • Only admins can modify contests and sessions.
  • Competitors and Pattern Rooms must be added to a contest before they can be added to a Session.
  • Sessions are created at the Contest level. Sessions are automatically added to a Contest\'s schedule and cannot be removed.
  • Competitors may be imported from a CSV file. Invalid and duplicate competitors will be ignored. The CSV list will be merged with the existing Competitors list.

Importing Competitors With A CSV File

  • An template CSV is available here.
  • You can import a list of competitors using a CSV file exported from Excel. The columns must be titled as they are shown below. (*) Notes a required column; the rest are optional. The CSV may contain the following columns (A Header row is required):
    • Competitor Name*
      • The name of the chorus or quartet.
    • Chorus*
      • True/False field. True if competitor is a chorus, false if quartet.
    • Primary Contact*
      • The name of the primary contact.
    • Primary Phone*
      • Primary Contact's phone number.
    • Primary Email*
      • Primary Contact's email address.
    • Member Count*
      • The number of members in the group. While still a required column, this field is ignored for Quartets.
    • Tenor
      • The name of the quartet's tenor. Ignored for Choruses.
    • Lead
      • The name of the quartet's lead. Ignored for Choruses.
    • Baritone
      • The name of the quartet's baritone. Ignored for Choruses.
    • Bass
      • The name of the quartet's bass. Ignored for Choruses.
    • Chapters
      • A comma separated list of chapters the quartet represents. Ignored for Choruses.
    • Director
      • The name of the chorus's director. Ignored for Quartets.
    • Hometown
      • The name of the chorus's home city. Ignored for Quartets.